Posts by Category


Git Triple And Double Dot Notation

2 minute read

Many git commands accept either a single revision or a range. For example, git log or git show. This is similar to a file glob but for git commits.

Exception Handling

2 minute read

Never use exceptions. Always use an if-check to avoid errors.

Just-In-Time Compilation

4 minute read

Just-in-time compilation is realtime, dynamic compilation. It’s recently become a popular way to execute code. By diving into how it works and the concepts i...

Debounce In JavaScript

1 minute read

Debouncing is a technique for buffering user interaction: multiple inputs are reduced and deduplicated.

Bypassing JS Paste Blocker

less than 1 minute read

Many sites use JavaScript event handlers to prevent copy or paste actions. The idea is that they can prevent you from copying text, which is borderline idiot...

Git Smudge And Clean Filters

3 minute read

Git-lfs is a great solution to managing large binary files in git. It makes clever use of git filter capability to operate.

OSX Sound Output Switcher

less than 1 minute read

I wrote a simple AppleScript to change the audio source in OSX. This was useful because I have several sources available for sound at any given time:

HTTP Cookies Are A Mess

5 minute read

Wow, are HTTP cookies are mess. I’ve had the displeasure of learning this and discovering how web browsers have been bolting and duct taping this system toge...

Python Metaclasses

4 minute read

I’m working on a Python 3 migration and have been refreshing myself on the changes. One of the syntax changes is how a class’ metaclass is set: Python 2 look...

Elasticsearch Aggregation

2 minute read

A few years ago, I learned to use Elasticsearch. It took awhile for me for grok and wrap my head around, to map it to my SQL foundation.

Fizzbuzz As A Programming Interview Problem

9 minute read

I used to use fizzbuzz for programming interviewing purposes. There’s going to be strong opinions regarding this and I think it’ll be interesting to present ...

Python Decorator

3 minute read

Python decorators are a syntactic sugar. They appear declarative and are used in that manner, yet they’re actually imperatively executed. I believe this mism...

Profiling Vim Plugins

1 minute read

I previously posted about profiling vim performance during startup. This was useful for debugging what changes in .vimrc was expensive.

Bracketed Paste Mode

2 minute read

Bracketed Paste Mode is a feature of terminals, which is used for signalling extra information to programs. By adding markers to wrap the text payload, a pro...

Finding Hard Or Soft Symlinks

less than 1 minute read

When you have a symlink, it’s trivial to use ls or realink to resolve what files it points to. When you have a hardlink, you don’t even need resolution.

Running Commands With Environment Variable

1 minute read

Environment variables are essentially global variables, when it comes to the shell. In spawned child processes, environment variables are not propagated by d...

Python Variable Swapping

1 minute read

I read this stackoverflow post on python tuple swapping and decided to take some notes.

Python Generators

2 minute read

Python generators are an advanced concept that don’t see a lot of use in application programming. It’s relegated to the domain of frameworks or libraries tha...

Markov Chain Text Generation

1 minute read

When you read about computers generating text, such as a chatbot or AI-generated book/research papers, you might have heard the term Markov Chains. Let’s dis...

Make gmail unread count useful again

1 minute read

Ever since Google killed Inbox (rip), I’ve been unable to find a way to fill that void in my workflow. Inbox let you batch together emails into bundles, whic...


9 minute read

moreutils is a suite of tools that I feel every unix user should be aware of. These tools are not essential tools but having them in your toolbox is what can...

Git log For Merge Commit

2 minute read

Merge commits are unique objects in git. Beyond normal commit stuff, they have multiple parents.

CSS :is() pseudo-selector

1 minute read

The :is() pseudo-class function is a selector that acts as a boolean OR. It’s blazing hot, fresh out of the oven: it’s only available on modern browser from ...

ISP Speed Tests

8 minute read

I recently switched internet service providers. While the installer guy was here, he gave some tips to ensure I would be making full use of the increased ban...

Mechanical Soup

1 minute read

There’s a python library call MechanicalSoup. It glues together BeautifulSoup and Requests, to allow for automating parsing and submitting of forms.


1 minute read

Typer is python package for building python CLI. It’s built on top of Click, which is also a library for parsing CLI arguments.


3 minute read

Randomness is often used in computing. The world is unpredictable and probabilistic and we want to model many things like this. Whether it’s rolling a dice o...

Python Heapq

1 minute read

The Python standard library has a heap data structure, called heapq. It allows for implementing a priority queue. It’s a little strange to use, as it’s compo...

Graph Traversal Algorithms

4 minute read

Today we’re going to talk about graph traversal algorithms. These are the more well-known ones that handle your main use cases, such as shortest path or depe...

Python List Append vs. Extend

1 minute read

Python list objects have both append and extend methods. They are both used to mutate the list instance and add more elements.

Reverse Polish Notation

3 minute read

If you’re asked to add 2 numbers, you are probably mentally imagining 2+2. What about:

Slack Custom CSS

2 minute read

The Slack desktop app is an Electron app, a framework for developing distributing web applications. Electron is a stripped-down web browser, powered by Node ...

Interplay of RSA and Diffie-Hellman

4 minute read

Diffie-Hellman and RSA are two related concepts in cryptography. A common misunderstanding are the roles that the two play. An often asked question is:

AppleScript to Toggle Natural Scrolling

1 minute read

I recently tried using a mouse at my work station, instead of Magic Trackpad. OSX has a setting for Natural Scrolling behaviour, which is the opposite for mo...

Python Key Functions

3 minute read

Several python functions, such as sorted and max, accept a key parameter that acts as the comparator.

CAP Theorem

2 minute read

The CAP theorem states that it’s impossible for a distributed data store to maintain all 3 guarantees:

Object Storage vs. Block Storage

1 minute read

In the world of system design and cloud computing, there is the choice between object storage or block storage. For AWS, this is S3 (Simple Storage Service) ...

NoSQL Database Types

3 minute read

NoSQL is such a bad name. It was chosen to contrast against the ubiquitous relational databases. Simply because it was different. This category has grown so ...

Summed Area Table

1 minute read

A summed area table is a handy data structure for calculating summed area in a matrix. It is a pre-computation table that allows for O(1) area sums.

Kadane’s Algorithm

1 minute read

Kadane’s algorithm is also known as Maximum Sum of Subarray. It’s an algorithm for finding the contiguous subarray with the largest sum.


4 minute read

Timsort is the sorting algorithm that python uses for sorted. It’s a really cool sort algorithm that’s rooted in real-world practicality and throws a wrench ...

react testing library vs. enzyme

3 minute read

Recently, I tried out react-testing-library by converting a set of tests from enzyme. Here are some of my personal thoughts and insights from this experience.

Generics with Flow

3 minute read

Generics are a type system concept that allows for dynamic typing, as opposed to static typing.

Vim exrc

2 minute read

When vim starts up, it reads configurations from many different locations:

Conditional Logic

1 minute read

There a few conditional statements that we intuitively know and use daily. However, it’s easier to use and know but has been hard for me to know which is whi...

How Python super() Works

3 minute read

I was trying to understand what the use of super in python was for and why we needed to include it with every constructor. I read this great StackOverflow an...

Font Ligatures

1 minute read

Font ligatures are a typography concept, where adjacent characters can be interpreted as a different glyph altogether. A common example in handwriting is >...

Margins Vs. Padding

1 minute read

Both margins and padding can help to achieve the whitespace separation between elements. You can generally get the design you want with either but there will...

Flow Intersection Types and Casting

3 minute read

I’ve talked about Flow types in the past but I had more recent dealings with it. A coworker was struggling to appease the type system when trying to work in ...

Mixins, Composition, and Inheritance

2 minute read

I recently read about mixins, which is a general design concept, and not some framework specific terminology. In python, at least. It seems that similar conc...

Windows Terminal

2 minute read

Microsoft is working on a better terminal, which will improve the WSL experience. It’s available if you install the Windows 10 May 1903 update. This update i...

Shallow Vs. Mount

1 minute read

Enzyme is a library for testing react components. It handles the mounting and manipulating components.

Black Python Formatter

2 minute read

Black is a python code formatter. It has minimal reconfigurability and is opinionated so that you don’t have to be. What that means is that you hand over con...

Building a NES Emulator - Part 1

5 minute read

For hackathon, I decided to start up my life-long dream project of writing a NES emulator. I studied computer engineering in school and the material is not e...

Generating Raw SQL From SQLAlchemy

1 minute read

SQLAlchemy is the python library that is used as an abstraction layer to different ORM. It implements pythonic patterns and whatnot. Whereas many ORMs are ju...

Flow Intersection Type

2 minute read

While working on some React components, I ran into some flow issues. They hurt my head to understand and I’m hoping that by writing some of this down, I can ...

SQL Null Value Gotcha

2 minute read

I was recently using a written query and fixed a bug in it. Let’s look at an example query:

React Ref Forwarding

less than 1 minute read

I needed to implement impression logging on a React component and wanted to use the intersection-observer package. This is react library to interface with th...

N+1 Problem with ORM

3 minute read

I was helping my colleague with an issue we saw in a slow API endpoint. We wanted to increase the number of days of data we returned, from 2 to 30. The expec...


4 minute read

I read this stackoverflow post that explained python asyncio very well. I’ve tried to understand asyncio a few times in the past year but they’ve all been fa...

PyPy and JIT Compiling

1 minute read

I’ve been hearing about PyPy for a while now and how it’s 8-17 times faster than CPython. I finally sat down and spent some time to read up on this.

Windows Task Scheduler

2 minute read

Windows Task Scheduler can be used to schedule tasks to run at a specific time of day. It’s the equivalent of cron on unix. Unfortunately, the interval sched...

Unicode Encodings

2 minute read

Unicode is an industry standard for representing text in many languages. Before unicode, ASCII was typically used to encode text into bits.

Cross-compiling to ARM

3 minute read

I’ve been trying to make my C.H.I.P. into a headless server, for running scripts. It’s low power and quiet (no fan) so it’s a perfect use case. It’s like an ...

Verifying Downloads With GPG

3 minute read

Many open source projects will provide pre-compiled binaries for convenience. They are often signed with gpg key and provide a checksum. Why do all of this? ...

Downloading Files Faster With Aria2

1 minute read

I found this nifty wget-like tool named aria2. wget can only download a file with a single connection. aria2 is capable of chunking the target file and downl...

Python on Windows

1 minute read

Normally, all my programming work is done in a unix environment. All my tools and knowledge is heavily centered in the unix/ubuntu world. Even on a Windows m...


3 minute read

For hackathon at work, I wanted to play around with PocketCHIP that I bought a few years ago.

timeout cmd

less than 1 minute read

I was investigating performance regression, to do with caching (or missing places that needed caching). I would run pytest and wait for it to complete and se...

Vim Spellcheck Keybinding

1 minute read

Vim has spellcheck capability but it’s awkward to use. Whenspell option is set, typos are highlighted in vim. The z= is used for spellcheck suggestions and r...

Including Markdown in Jekyll

1 minute read

For this blog, I wanted to write recipes and refer to them in blog posts. The blog posts are static and won’t change but I will continue to iterate on recipe...

Python Coverage, TravisCI, and Coveralls

1 minute read

I setup coverage for pytest-antilru and wanted to report this to coveralls. This was much harder than it had to be because TravisCI and Coveralls documentat...

Saving Requests Data for Testing

2 minute read

I wanted to contribute to mealpy and had grand ideas. But the timing was unfortunate, as I only had 2 more days left on my meal plan until I put it on hold.

Including Files in Jekyll

2 minute read

Jekyll wants to be a blogging-first platform. For reasons I don’t know why. Blogging as a primary feature is fine and all but I don’t see why the architectur...

ES6 Features

5 minute read

I took a refresher to learn about ES6 and the new language niceties (Source). Note that these are relative to my previous experience with Javascript, circa 2...

TravisCI and Tox

2 minute read

I recently had the displeasure of configuring TravisCI to work with tox. TravisCI has a “build matrix” system, where you can configure different environment ...

Git Archive on SHA

1 minute read

What do you do when you want a file in a git repo? In GitHub, you would view the raw file and save that to disk. You can clone the repo, get the files you ne...

Running Python Tests Real Fast

1 minute read

Writing tests is great. Writing many small and granular tests is great. At some point, it begins to look silly when you’re changing one function and rerunnin...

umask Fun Times With WSL

1 minute read

Recently, I noticed that the ls colour output of my directories was strange. ls uses use different colours and formatting to denote file attributes: Symli...

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Types Of Pie Crusts

2 minute read

There are a few types of different pie crusts, when discussing traditional French pastries:

Sandwich Bread

less than 1 minute read

Another summer and it’s another season of tomatoes. Every year I try to get in on the tomato season and this also means making BLTs and tomato sandwiches, wh...

Learning Espresso - Frothing Milk

2 minute read

Steaming milk is tricky business. From the hands of a skilled barista will produce luxuriously frothed milk. Let’s take a look into the techniques and scienc...

Gyro, Donair, Shawarma, Al Pastor

2 minute read

The Turkish doner kebab is a wrap, filled with meat cooked on a vertical spit. Outside of Turkey, it’s taken off like a rocket ship in Germany. It’s the domi...


1 minute read

Meringues are a mixture of egg whites, beaten with sugar. At its core, it’s about the foam produced by the egg white protein. This foam is light and airy, pr...

Learning Espresso - Tamping

1 minute read

One element of espresso puck preparation is tamping. This is the act of compressing the puck in the portafilter. It turns out that it’s less complicated than...

Signs That Your Bakes Are Done

8 minute read

Telling when your bake is done is an important skill to have in baking. There are many different signals we can look out for.

Dutch Baby Pancake

2 minute read

Dutch baby pancakes are a type of popover that is popular in America. They are baked in a pan, similar to popovers.

Learning Coffee - Pressurized Portafilters

2 minute read

A portafilter is where coffee is placed, when brewing espresso. It’s made to withstand the water pressure of espresso machine, typically 9 bar (130 psi or 90...

Learning Coffee - Espresso

2 minute read

I recently got into espresso. For years, I’ve been brewing coffee with pour-overs and decided to take up espresso. I’m going to write a series that will foll...

Cold Oven Cake

less than 1 minute read

There’s a style of pound cakes that are not baked in a preheated oven. It’s basically a pound cake with half as much baking powder. Here’s a recipe from epic...

Chile Relleno Pancake

2 minute read

Chile rellenos is a classic Mexican dish. It’s comprised of a green pepper, stuffed with cheese, battered and fried.

Apple Pull-Apart Bread

1 minute read

I baked a pull-apart bread, which is like a different structure to a cinnamon roll.

Japanese Sweet Potato

1 minute read

I love roasted sweet potatoes (yaki-imo). They’re basically potatoes but as a dessert. Like many other tubers, they host a plethora of nutrients and fiber.

Pairing Pasta Shapes And Sauces

3 minute read

This is bound to be a contentious topic. But I’m not here to gate-keep on tradition. I’m here to summarize collective culinary knowledge about pasta shape pa...

Biang Biang Mian

2 minute read

I made biang biang noodles and they were great! I followed Chinese Cooking Demystified and it’s always a great read. They talk about the history and cultural...

Beef And Broccoli

1 minute read

Beef and broccoli is a classic chinese dish. It’s simple to make and uses basic ingredients.


1 minute read

Annatto is a seed of a tree that is native to the tropical regions of Latin America. It’s used as a food dye and a spice.

Biscuits and Gravy

2 minute read

Biscuits and gravy is a regional breakfast dish of the American South. It consists of American biscuits, smothered with white gravy made from sausage or baco...

English Muffins

3 minute read

I love english muffins. They have a wonderful chew, a soft crust, and a large crust surface area to filling ratio.

Red Velvet Cake

4 minute read

Red velvet cake has an interesting history and evolution. It’s traditionally reddish chocolate cake, layered with ermine frosting. Modern recipes will add re...

Green Onion Cake

1 minute read

It’s [been long time] since I got back on the horse but here we are. I made green onion cakes again and have made improvements to my recipe with learnings fr...

Banh Bo

2 minute read

Bánh bò are sweet steamed rice cakes. Their signature aspect is the honeycomb structure, which is the result of air bubbles produced by yeast.


2 minute read

Madeleines are shelled-shaped cakes. They’re made with a genoise batter but they’re not baked in conventional cake tins. They use a custom pan that has a sha...

Lemon Curd Bar

1 minute read

Lemon desserts are a novel treat for me. I’m beginning to develop a palate for them. The zest imparts a ton of bright, floral flavour. The juice is a flavour...

Sugar Glaze

1 minute read

A sugar glaze is a simple glaze comprising of powdered sugar and liquid. It’s used for glazing donuts, muffins, coffee cakes, pastries, etc.

Rolling A Burrito

less than 1 minute read

Rolling a burrito is surprisingly very tricky. Those guys rolling burritos in 2 seconds flat? They’re skilled artisans.

Cake Pan Sizes

less than 1 minute read

I’ve used this cake pan conversation chart at Sally’s Baking Addiction to scale recipes. Sometimes a recipe is written for a loaf pan but I want to use a bun...

Banana Bread

1 minute read

I’m finally getting around to writing down a banana bread recipe. I’ve been burned by not maintaining my own canonical recipe, with preferences and tweaks. I...


less than 1 minute read

Clafoutis is a baked dessert that resembles a flan. It’s traditionally filled with berries. It’s served warm, with whipped cream or powdered sugar. I learned...

Bread Baking Fundamentals

9 minute read

Baking bread is one of those things in life which is both simple and complicated. Easy to get into, difficult to master. Here are some of the fundamental kno...

Xoi Man

1 minute read

One of my mom’s favourite dishes is xôi mặn, a low brow, comfort Vietnamese food. It’s a savoury, glutinous rice dish that can be topped with a variety of to...

Tinga Poblana

3 minute read

Tinga de pollo (chicken tinga) is a mexican dish that is composed of shredded chicken in a spicy, tomato-based stew. A similar dish made with pork exists cal...

Banh tet chuoi

5 minute read

Chinese New Year is also a big deal in Vietnamese culture. It’s called Tết and the biggest celebration of the year, akin to Christmas.


2 minute read

I love tamales. There’s something about that is reminiscent of Vietnamese dishes, wrapped in banana leaves. The surface texture is slimy due to steamed starc...

Pork Ragu

1 minute read

I recently discovered that you can make ragu with different meats. I also thought bolognese, with ground beef, was the most common and preferred way. When I ...

Ground Beef Hash

1 minute read

I discovered this delicious dish from Blue Apron. They call it Beef Over Curry Spiced Rice. What makes this recipe very appealing is the simplicity of the di...

Scottish Meat Pies

3 minute read

After watching the Great American Baking show, I was inspired to make some hand-raised pies. In the U.K. and Australia, these are very common pastries but th...

French Onion Soup

1 minute read

When I made prime rib for the holidays, I served it with a chimichurri sauce. With the fond, I made some au jus. This served as the base for the beef broth.

Prime Rib with Chimichurri

3 minute read

I made prime rib for the first time this Christmas. It was pricey and lots of a meat for a single person to eat but I really wanted to embark on this experim...

Murasaki Potatoes

less than 1 minute read

Trader Joes carries these Japanese sweet potatoes under the name Murasaki Potatoes. These are indeed sweet potatoes and cousins of the orange-fleshed ones we...

Cookie Science

3 minute read

Over the last few years, I’ve been reading Serious Eats and trying to comprehend the roles of ingredients when baking cookies.

Fudgy, Cakey, and Chewy Brownies

2 minute read

Brownies come in different varieties: chewy, cakey, and fudgy. These varieties vary the ingredients to move the brownie along a spectrum of pastries, from ca...

Miso Soup

1 minute read

Ever since coming back from a 2-week trip to Japan, I’ve been exploring Japanese cuisine more in-depth. I attended a cooking class, where our instructor intr...

Ube Vs. Taro

less than 1 minute read

Both ube and taro are tubers. They are commonly confused for one another.

Instant Pot Rice

2 minute read

I’ve been very perplexed about how to cook rice in an instant pot. Every blog and recipe I’ve stumbled upon has said they were able to cook rice perfectly in...

Detroit Pizza

1 minute read

Detroit-style pizza is a type of pizza that’s baked in a square dish pan. It has the following characteristics:

Udon Noodles

2 minute read

Making udon noodles from scratch is surprisingly easy. It’s very similar to ramen noodles in hydration, although the characteristics of the dough change how ...

Hario V60 Brewing Methods

2 minute read

There are several popular methods for pourover coffee, with the Hario V60. I’m going to try them out over the next few weeks and see how they work.

Pumpkin Bread

1 minute read

It’s fall and that means pumpkin season. We get bombarded with pumpkin bakes and pumpkin spice, so I made some pumpkin bread to get in on the fun.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 minute read

Now that I’ve got a hang of making cinnamon roll to consistency, I’m moving on to chocolate chip cookies. I want to work towards making a cookie that’s cragg...

BBQ Spice Rub

less than 1 minute read

I’ve using this spice rub for years, ever since I discovered it on It’s balanced in spicy, sweet, and aromatic.

Steaming Sticky rice

less than 1 minute read

Customarily, sticky rice is steamed instead of boiled, have firm, unbroken grains. This is done with a bamboo steamer, which is permeable to steam but doesn’...

How to Eat Crawfish

1 minute read

Seafood boils are delicacy of the South, specifically Louisiana and Cajun cuisine. When I visited Houston, I was able to try the Viet-Cajun crawfish boil. An...

Che Dau Xanh

less than 1 minute read

I made some che dau xanh and was surprised how simple it is. I was inspired to make this dish after reading this recipe from runawayrice. It’s a simple puddi...

Sticky Rice (Xoi)

1 minute read

I ended up with a bit of leftover coconut milk, from a previous recipe. I could have made che but then I would need to get more ingredients (beans, agar agar...

White Sandwich Bread

3 minute read

I continue my quest to become a better bread baker and tame the yeast beast. My latest achievement was to bake white sandwich bread (wonderbread). This bread...

Protein Fluff

1 minute read

Protein fluff is magical food when it comes to a cut. It’s highly filling and has great macros.

Green Onion Cake

4 minute read

You know those chinese pancakes? The ones that have green onions and are flaky? I think these are a great way to use up excess green onions.

Hotdog Buns

1 minute read

I tried my hand at making hotdog buns, following the foodwishes recipe.


2 minute read

I made queso blanco dip, which was as an appetizer dish that I discovered Tex-Mex cuisine in Dallas.

Buttermilk Pancake

1 minute read

I’ve been trying to figure out how to use up buttermilk. I made Texas sheet cake from SeriousEats but it didn’t stand out to me. I also tried making buttermi...

Banh Bao

1 minute read

I took another stab at making banh bao again. This time, I made filled buns using egg and ground turkey.

Baking Bread Pudding

1 minute read

Recently, I had a bad batch of sourdough bread. I didn’t stretch the dough enough and overworked it during shaping. The resulting loaf didn’t proof well and ...

Cinnamon Rolls

1 minute read

I’ve been practicing with yeasted doughs and cinnamon rolls have been my most consistent bake. I use the recipe and technique from King Arthur’s. But I picke...

Baking With Yeasted Doughs

5 minute read

I started baking with yeasted dough recipes a few months ago. I’ve avoided yeasted doughs all my life and they’ve always been a mystery to me. Now that I’ve ...

Banh Bao

2 minute read

I’m fed up with bad recipes. There’s too much inconsistency and variations, which result in large room for error. Baking is a science and 2 tsp vs. 1 tbsp of...

Black Bean Brownies

1 minute read

I’ve wanted to make black bean brownies for awhile now, ever since I heard many people raving about how they can be indistinguishable from the real thing. I...

Substituting Dry Beans

2 minute read

Most recipes that use beans, call for the canned beans. Canned beans are convenient, as they’re ready to use immediately in a recipe. I prefer to buy dry be...

Keeping fried foods crispy

1 minute read

How to Keep Deep Fried Foods Crispy What’s the problem? I always wonder why some fried foods get soggy or soft as short as 30 minutes after cooking. Even wh...

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How To Extend Wifi Range

4 minute read

In a home network setup, there is typically only one modem or access to the internet service provider. From here, access is shared amongst clients in the hom...


3 minute read

It’s common to use public key infrastructure (PKI) with SSH. The keys used can be very long and cryptographically secure. It’s much preferred over authentica...

Garage Door Remote Control

1 minute read

Garage door remote controls have an interesting history in their evolution. They used to be simple radio transmitters, which worked fine when few people had ...

Document Backup In The Cloud

2 minute read

Cloud storage has been around forever. With more devices than ever, cloud storage is a convenient way to share and synchronize data. It’s also very easy as a...

Digital Vaccine Cards

7 minute read

Cities in America (New York and San Francisco) are beginning to require proof of vaccination to enter certain places, like gyms, restaurants, and indoor even...

Raid - Redundant Array Of Independent Disks

7 minute read

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) is a technology for connecting together many physical hard drives into a single operating unit. The motivation to...

Virtual Vs. Resident Memory

2 minute read

Whenever I’ve needed to look at how much memory a process is using, I’m never actually sure what value to use. There’s resident memory, virtual memory, swap ...

Car Washing

3 minute read

Washing a car is not super complicated but there are somethings to keep in mind. Like when washing dishes, you need to make sure it’s dishwasher safe and whe...

Adding Labels Using Imagemagick

1 minute read

Years ago I wanted to edit a video clip, add a label, and make a gif. I wrote about it in this gist. I’m revisiting it now and posting it for discoverability...

Smart Apostrophe

1 minute read

Smart apostrophes/curved quotes are… interesting. There are over 30 characters that are considered quotation marks in Unicode. The most well-known are the qu...

Multi-Core Processors

3 minute read

Multi-core processing has been mainstream for the last 15 years. Prior to that, there was a reluctance to design programs around concurrency.

Color Wheel

3 minute read

I watched this video on youtube from the Technology Connections channel, discussing the colour brown. It was extremely fascinating.

Patching Snes Roms

less than 1 minute read

International Patching System (IPS) is a file format for applying patches to snes roms.

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Marriott International and A&W

2 minute read

Marriott International is the largest hotel chain in the world. The name Marriott comes from the founder’s family name, J. Willard Marriott and Alice Marriot...

Taco Styles

3 minute read

In a previous post, I listed different Mexican foods. Today, I’m going to dive a little deeper into different styles of tacos.

Mexican Foods

9 minute read

In the recent years, I have learned a lot about Mexican cuisine. I finally feel worthy of unironically declaring “I love tacos”. Follow me on a journey to ex...

Phatic Expression

1 minute read

A Phatic expression is a communication construct that serves a social function while providing no intrinsic value. Small talk and pleasantries are common exa...

Dia de Muertos

2 minute read

November 1 and 2 is Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead), holiday in Mexico. It’s also celebrate in similar forms in the surrounding Latin American countries, as...


less than 1 minute read

comm is a unix tool that is useful for doing line diffs between two sorted files. It let’s you view lines that are unique to file1, lines unique to file2, or...

Kuai Kuai Culture

less than 1 minute read

There’s a unique practice in Taiwan of placing green snack bags on top of electronics. This is Kuai Kuai, a regional and modern superstition (earliest docume...

JFK International Airport

3 minute read

New York City was great to travel to and visit. It has culture, great food, and good public transportation (decent enough for a tourist).

New York Pizza

1 minute read

I was able to experience New York pizza on my recent visit to NYC. They know what they’re doing with pizza there.

New York Bagels

1 minute read

All my life, I’ve never been into bagels. I’ve suspected that I don’t like the food item as a concept but have been self-conscious that maybe I’ve been eatin...

How to Eat Crawfish

1 minute read

Seafood boils are delicacy of the South, specifically Louisiana and Cajun cuisine. When I visited Houston, I was able to try the Viet-Cajun crawfish boil. An...

Chouquette Meetings

1 minute read

I know a manager that brings croissants to the office weekly, for his team’s standup. I’ve been invited to attend these a couple times and they start out ver...

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Full Motion Video in Video Games

2 minute read

Full-motion videos (FMV) are used in video games for cutscenes, which serve to narrate and drive the story. The alternative is to render the cutscene in-game.


1 minute read

Dithering is image processing technique, that aims to reduce colour banding.

How Bullets Work In FPS

7 minute read

I recently watched a video that explained how bullets work in First-Person Shooters. The two common model are hitscan and projectile. There are compelling tr...

Max Payne 3 Review

11 minute read

I just finished Max Payne 3 and it was a blast. This concludes my playthrough of the Max Payne trilogy.

Phantom Hourglass Review

5 minute read

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is a first-party game from Nintendo, for the Nintendo DS. This game pushes many experimental gameplay elements that ma...

Max Payne Review

4 minute read

I recently replayed Max Payne. I can’t believe this game was released 19 years ago! It has aged incredibly well and was at the forefront of gameplay mechanic...

Dead Space Review

4 minute read

I recently completed Dead Space, on PC. It’s a 2008 horror FPS game. Similar to Resident Evil 4 but with the tighter FPS experience, like Call of Duty.

Thomas Was Alone Review

1 minute read

I played Thomas Was Alone, an indie platformer from 2012. It’s a beautiful and elegant game. Somehow they managed to fit in a compelling story about a bunch ...

Final Fantasy 6 Review

4 minute read

Final Fantasy 6 has been on my backlog for the longest of time. It’s been my mark of shame, not having completed it all these years. This year marks the 25th...

Half-Minute Hero

6 minute read

My friend gifted me Half-Minute Hero pack, which includes the first and second game. The premise of the game seems simplistic, at first. But somehow I manage...

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Learning Spanish - Verb Types

2 minute read

There are a few different verb types in Spanish: transitive, intransitive, reflexive, reciprocal. Learning these grammar constructs can be very helpful in un...

Learning Spanish - Adjective Placement

1 minute read

In Spanish, adjectives usually follow the noun. But there are some adjectives that precede the noun. In these cases, it changes the meaning of the adjective.

Phatic Expression

1 minute read

A Phatic expression is a communication construct that serves a social function while providing no intrinsic value. Small talk and pleasantries are common exa...

Learning Spanish - Prepositions

1 minute read

The spanish A preposition was tricky for me to understand at first. It translates to the English to/at preposition. The reason it’s tricky is that Spanish gr...

Learning Spanish - Pronouncing ‘J’

1 minute read

I’m trying to learn Spanish through Duolingo and I figure it might be fun to write about a few of the lessons or fun facts I learn about the language.

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Max Payne 3 Review

11 minute read

I just finished Max Payne 3 and it was a blast. This concludes my playthrough of the Max Payne trilogy.

Phantom Hourglass Review

5 minute read

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is a first-party game from Nintendo, for the Nintendo DS. This game pushes many experimental gameplay elements that ma...

Max Payne Review

4 minute read

I recently replayed Max Payne. I can’t believe this game was released 19 years ago! It has aged incredibly well and was at the forefront of gameplay mechanic...

Dead Space Review

4 minute read

I recently completed Dead Space, on PC. It’s a 2008 horror FPS game. Similar to Resident Evil 4 but with the tighter FPS experience, like Call of Duty.

Thomas Was Alone Review

1 minute read

I played Thomas Was Alone, an indie platformer from 2012. It’s a beautiful and elegant game. Somehow they managed to fit in a compelling story about a bunch ...

Final Fantasy 6 Review

4 minute read

Final Fantasy 6 has been on my backlog for the longest of time. It’s been my mark of shame, not having completed it all these years. This year marks the 25th...

The Matrix: 20th Anniversary

2 minute read

The Matrix hit its 20th anniversary, originally released on 1999-03-31. This has always been, and continues to be, one of my favourite movies.

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Pythagoras Cup

less than 1 minute read

The Pythagoras Cup is a practical-joke device that is used to demonstrate greed.

Calibrating Instant-Read Thermometer

less than 1 minute read

To calibrate an instant-read thermometer, it’s common to temp either ice-water or boiling water. At sea-level, this is 0 C and 100 C, respectively.

Calibrating Oven Temperature

1 minute read

It’s always annoying to deal with an oven in a new kitchen. Ovens are not very precise and well designed: temperatures can be off up to ±25 C (50 F) and ther...

Taking Medicine With Food

less than 1 minute read

Many medicines have instructions that related to consumption alongside food or avoiding such. There are 3 periods when medicine can be taken, relative to a m...

Air Quality Index

6 minute read

I learned about the Air Quality Index today. You will too. Let’s go.

Canal Locks

1 minute read

I recently watched this video which discussed how locks worked. While locks themselves are simplistic, this video explores the complicated engineering soluti...

Blood Pressure

1 minute read

Systolic blood pressure is the pressure that the heart exerts when it contracts and pumps blood out.

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Gym Session Length

3 minute read

I’ve recently returned to the gym, after a 4-month break due to gym closures amidst the pandemic. This gym moved outdoors onto the sidewalk. I’ve needed to a...

General Gainz Program

5 minute read

I switched my workout routine from Jacked and Tan to General Gainz around September 2019. I previously wrote about how Jacked and Tan was structured so I tho...

Anatomical Terms of Motion

3 minute read

Muscles in the body can only apply force by contracting. Most muscles in the body have muscle group pairs that allow muscle control in both direction, where ...

Protein Fluff

1 minute read

Protein fluff is magical food when it comes to a cut. It’s highly filling and has great macros.

My Current Workout Routine

6 minute read

My routine has iterated continuously for the last 1.5 years. I’ve fine-tuned for time-efficiency, equipment availability, and muscle areas of focus.

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Grocery Store Queuing

6 minute read

When you go to the grocery store, there’s always the dreaded checkout lines to contend with.

Osborne Effect

2 minute read

The Osborne Effect is the phenomenon where a product announcement induces a negative feedback loop in the companies revenues. Sometimes, when a company annou...

Thought Experiments

14 minute read

I watched a video from TopTenz that discussed 10 thought experiments. I found it very fascinating and wanted to give my thoughts.

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Sorting By Rating

2 minute read

I recently read this post about SteamDB’s rating algorithm. SteamDB sorts games by popularity. This is defined as games that have a lot of total review traff...

Hamming Codes

7 minute read

Hamming codes are an error-correcting code. The upgrade from a parity check is that it is capable of detecting and correcting errors. It scales quite well, r...

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building a nes emulator

Building a NES Emulator - Part 1

5 minute read

For hackathon, I decided to start up my life-long dream project of writing a NES emulator. I studied computer engineering in school and the material is not e...

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Call and Put Options

2 minute read

Call and put options are different ways to invest money, on top of trading stocks. They’re great ways for the uninformed to make terrible, uninformed financi...

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The Matrix: 20th Anniversary

2 minute read

The Matrix hit its 20th anniversary, originally released on 1999-03-31. This has always been, and continues to be, one of my favourite movies.

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Multi-Core Processors

3 minute read

Multi-core processing has been mainstream for the last 15 years. Prior to that, there was a reluctance to design programs around concurrency.

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La Jolla Is Not A City

less than 1 minute read

La Jolla is a neighbourhood in San Diego. But you can see addresses that seem to say otherwise.

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Brownie Vs. Cake

1 minute read

What’s the difference between a brownie (or blondie) and a cake?

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