Euclid’s Algorithm for Calculating Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor between two numbers is the largest common factor of either numbers. e.g. 8 is the GCD between 16 and 24.
Euclid’s Algorithm is an intuitive method for calculating the GCD, using only the modulo operator.
gcd(a,0) = a
gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a mod b)
is not intuitive but makes mathematical sense.
In layman’s terms, it says the “greatest common divisor between a number and 0 is the number itself”.
This makes little sense, as 0
cannot be a divisor.
What is more accurate is the “greatest common divisor between a number and 1 is 1”.
We must ignore the layman’s term for interpreting gcd(a,0)
It should simply be used as the base case when using defining the recurrent relation.
Look at the the value of b
from previous gcd
, it’s a mod b
If a mod b == 0
, then the gcd is a
gcd(a,b) = gcd(b, a mod b)
If b
divides evenly into a
mod b
== 0):
is a factor ofa
is a factor of itself, by definitionb
is the greatest common divisor
If b
does not divide evenly, then there is a remainder.
If we can find the GCD between the remainder and b
, then that will also be a divisor for a
Eventually, the remainder will be 0 (found divisor) or 1 (divides into everything).
Intuitive Summary
The intuition that I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around is that we are iteratively trying to find a the division between divisor and remainder. If we find a “remainder” for which a divisor is a multiple, and the quotient is a multiple of the divisor, then this “remainder” is a factor of the quotient.
This visual is what made it really click. We keep slicing a rectangle and iterate on the remainder. Do this until we find a value that evenly divides for all. 1 is the guaranteed common divisor.