How Python super() Works

3 minute read


I was trying to understand what the use of super in python was for and why we needed to include it with every constructor. I read this great StackOverflow answer on this very subject.

What is super used for


In Python, super() is commonly used when subclassing and you need to call the base class’ methods.

class Base:
    def __init__(self):

class Child(Base):
    def __init__(self):

There is no mechanism to call methods automatically (such as chaining constructors), you must invoke it explicitly.

Requiring manual invocation has the advantage of having complete control over method ordering. In other languages, such as Java or C#, the base class constructor call is implicitly added and, therefore, always runs before child classes. This is usually not an issue, as in OOP it is understood that you build the base before adding extensions.

The disadvantage is that it requires programmers to do this every time. Forgetting to do so will cause bugs for other classes, as the expectation of inheritance will not work correctly. This is a big concern, as it requires every class to be designed correctly before you can expect to use super() and have it behave as expected.

Calling overridden functions

class Base:
    def say(self):

class Child(Base):
    def say(self):

In python, when you name an attribute with the same as a base class attribute, you shadow it. This means you clobber the reference to the original function.

super() allows you to refer to the original function.

Why do we need super

Why do we need super()? Can’t we just call Base.__init__() or Base.say()?

The answer is, yes, if the inheritance is trivially single inheritance. super() does little more than indirectly reference the base class. In most code, this is usually the case and it’s so common that there are not many working examples in code bases to illustrate the need for real value of super().

Things get interesting when you get into multiple inheritance. super() becomes mandatory to have things function sensibly, when attempting to design multiple inheritance.

Diamond Problem

There’s a diamond problem with multiple inheritance, which is when it’s ambiguous which base class’ method should be called next.

class SuperBase:
    def say(self):
        print('Super Base')

class BaseA(SuperBase):
    def say(self):

class BaseB(SuperBase):
    def say(self):

class Child(BaseA, BaseB):
    def say(self):

When we call say, should it call BaseA.super() or BaseB.super()? And what does it call after that?

This problem is solved with method resolution order (MRO). Every class has a MRO and it can be shown with Child.__mro__.

This list of classes shows the class that super() will reference. Note that this is dynamic, not hard-coded to a specific class. Another class can subclass and statically calling BaseA is making dangerous assumptions.

class AnotherChild(SuperBase):
class SubChild(AnotherChild, Child):

In this example, you cannot hard code all base class references in AnotherChild to be SuperBase. SubChild inherits both Child and AnotherChild so the entire inheritance tree needs to be taken into consideration. Since SuperBase is the root for both Child and AnotherChild, you cannot always call it directly from AnotherChild, because you might need to call BaseA first (Child’s base class).

This inverted control of the inheritance tree means we need to defer resolution to runtime, which is why super() is useful.


Method resolution order is a heuristic for determining the inheritance order of precedence. Given a class with complex inheritance hierarchy (may include loops or duplicate, redundant inheritance), how can we get an ordering that is deterministic and monotonic.

Deterministic means that it will not change at runtime. If the hierarchy has not changed, the output should always be the same. If we add or remove classes from the hierarchy, the order of everything else, relative to each other, should not change.

Monotonic means that the ordering always goes from most specific to least specific. In other words, from the most “child” to the most “base.

It must handle recursion and duplication. If a base class is inherited multiple times, it should resolve to a single call. And this should be ordered after all the subclasses.

Python uses C3 linearization. It’s pretty simple heuristic to follow, I’ll try to condense to the core concept:

  1. Generate inheritance tree for all objects.
  2. If there’s only one parent, then the ordering is trivially resolved.
  3. Otherwise, pick the parent that does not appear in the middle of another parent’s inheritance tree.
  4. Rinse, repeat until all is resolved