TravisCI and Tox

2 minute read


I recently had the displeasure of configuring TravisCI to work with tox. TravisCI has a “build matrix” system, where you can configure different environment conditions to test your code.

Oh hey, that sounds just like tox you said. Yup.

However, tox runs anywhere. I don’t get to develop on TravisCI machines. So we have to support both systems in a crude manner, at least until TravisCI has better native support.

Tox environments

I use tox environments to test pytest-antilru under different conditions:

  • Python 2.7/3.5/3.6/3.7
  • backports.functools_lru_cache
  • functools32.lru_cache

This is done using environment factors, as demonstrated in pytest-antilru tox.ini:

envlist = py{27}-{backports,functools32}-pytest{2,3,4},py{35,36,37}-pytest{2,3,4},project_tests

These work like bash brace expansion, which results in a cartesian product. Tox documentation has more details.

What results is an expanded list of many combinations:

$ tox -l

TravisCI Build Matrix

TravisCI supports a very similar idea, called build matrix. Many of the config parameters accept lists, which expands in cartesian product manner.

When different python version is set, TravisCI is using pyenv internally to switch. We could use this knowledge to our benefit but it’s real janky. Instead, we should play nice and instead have TravisCI invoke only the applicable tests for the python version.

Unfortunately, tox doesn’t support globbing on environments. We can’t simply tell TravisCI to run all py27 factors, we need to explicitly pass every single env to tox. Ugh.

Enter this mess that I stole from flake8. I think mine is a little bit more readable (I try to avoid too much bash magic).

  # Travis only supports one python version per environment (pyenv).Tox doesn't support running all permutations of a
  # factor. They found each other, though the magic of grep and sed.
  - export PY_VERSION=$(echo "${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}" | sed 's/\.//')
  - export TOXENV=$(tox --listenvs | grep "py${PY_VERSION}-" | tr '\n' ',')
- tox
  1. We first get the python version from environment. This corresponds to ‘3.5’ or ‘3.7-dev’ strings.
  2. Some string manipulation to format it to tox python version format (two-letter value).
  3. Grep through the possible tox environments for the ones that apply.
  4. More gross string manipulation because tox only accepts comma-delimited string.
  5. Set TOXENV. tox reads from several places to get the environment list.

With all this set in place, TravisCI generates one test runner for each python version in parallel. It’s nice because failures will be isolated and easily identified from TravisCI build email. And separate logs is nice.

But I really wish these two would play better with each other, more native support.