Mechanical Soup

1 minute read


There’s a python library call MechanicalSoup. It glues together BeautifulSoup and Requests, to allow for automating parsing and submitting of forms.

What does it do

Requests deals with HTTP requests, which is stateless. BeautifulSoup parses html pages. If you need to emulate a user that is submitting form information and progressing through a web session, you’ll end up writing MechanicalSoup.

It adds state (missing from requests) and helpers for form handling (specialized use of beautifulsoup).

Why not use Selenium

Selenium is a web driver, which means it controls a real web browser. This makes all the browser implementation quirks are preserved. Selenium is simply clicking on behalf of the user. Spinning up and controlling a web browser process is very expensive.

MechanicalSoup is a lightweight Selenium stand-in. It’s stitches together web requests and only speaks HTTP. So you clearly will not have Javascript or CSS or whatever quirks come with a full-browser instance.

When to use

Only use this package if you are submitting forms. It’s a very special-purpose, abstraction on top of beautiful soup. But submitting forms is a common operation for web pages.

If you need to do anything else, you’ll end up fallback to the underlying beautifulsoup API.

If the site relies on Javascript or CSS or other quirks, then you must use Selenium and pay the cost of complete page rendering.