Pie Dough

1 minute read


I use BraveTart’s pie dough recipe, which is a flaky pastry as opposed to crumbly. It requires no extra equipment: pastry blender or food processor.

The recipe is scaled for a double-crusted 9-inch pie. I have a 6-inch pan and I’ll attempt to scale for that pan. It’s sized smaller than a true 6” pan. To scale it from 9”, it probably only needs 40% of ingredients.


Ingredient Baker’s Percentage Weight for 6” (g)
Flour 100% (by definition, for completeness) 55
Butter 100% 55
Water 55% 30
Sugar 7% 4
Salt 1.8% 1


As Stella states in the video, the amount of water used in recipe is exact. If the dough is the wrong consistency, it’s due to temperatures:

  • too warm (>21C), the dough will be sticky (butter will be partially melted)
  • too cool (<18C), the dough will be too stiff to roll


  1. Cut butter (taken directly from fridge) and cut into 1/2 inch cubes.
  2. Toss cubes in dry mix.
  3. Roughly smash cubes.
  4. Add water and mix together.
  5. Knead lightly in bowl until dough comes together.
  6. Roll out and perform book fold, to produce layers.
  7. Roll out to cover pie pan.

Note: At any step, refrigerate the dough if it starts to get too warm and sticky (>21C).