Green Onion Cakes

1 minute read


This recipe is adapted from Omnivore’s Cookbook.


Ingredient Baker’s Percentage Portion for 1 cake (g)
Flour 100% (by definition, for completeness) 60
Water 60% 36
Sugar 3% 9
Salt 1.7% 3
Flour 13% 8
Oil 18% 11
Green onion 67% 40 (2 stalks)


  • Green onion is about 100 g per cup. A stem is about 20 g, so 5 stems per cup.
  • The roux can be made with aromatic oils as well


  1. Boil water.
  2. Mix boiling water into flour, mix with chopsticks. Dough may look a little dry and shaggy.
  3. Use hands to bring dough together as a ball. Dough should be slightly sticky and lift the bowl up. If dough is too dry, add more water.
  4. Turn out and knead dough, roughly 10 minutes. The dough will become smoother but not very smooth.
  5. Rest dough for 30-60 minutes.
  6. Make roux paste by heating oil, flour, and salt. If desired, you can add some aromatics such as Sichuan peppercorns. Set aside.
  7. Portion dough if necessary, depending on batch size. ~50-60 g per pancake. Roll pancakes into a long rectangle, about 1:3 ratio.
  8. Brush paste on evenly.
  9. Sprinkle on green onions.
  10. Roll up along long edge. Coil this long strand into a circle.
  11. Lightly flatten. Dust and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
  12. Roll the coils flat.
  13. The pancake can be frozen at this point.
  14. To cook, heat a pan with layer of oil on bottom. Cook one side, flip and cook other.
