Cream Biscuits

1 minute read


Cream biscuits are a simple biscuit recipe. It only requires flour, salt, baking powder, and heavy cream. It’s essentially a 1:1 flour to cream recipe.

This recipe is adapted from the Food Lab.


Ingredient Baker’s Percentage 4 biscuits (g)
Self-rising flour 100% 100
Heavy cream 100% 100

If you don’t have self-rising flour, the following is the denormalized recipe:

Ingredient Baker’s Percentage 4 biscuits (g)
Flour 100% 100
Baking powder 6% 6
Salt 1.5% 1.5
Heavy cream 100% 120

Sweet biscuit

If making sweet biscuits, add 10% sugar. Sweet biscuits are for strawberry shortcake or to eat with clotted cream.


There are two ways to make biscuits: drop or flaky biscuits.

Drop biscuits are low effort and produce irregular split sites.

Flaky biscuits include a layering step aligns the flaky layers. This will give beautiful tall rise and even flaking.

Flaky Biscuits

  1. While mixing dry mix, pour in cream.
  2. Mix until it comes together as a rough dough.
  3. Roll or pat out to a rectangle. Envelope fold to form layers.
  4. Repeat two more times, which will form 27 layers.
  5. Roll out to 1 inch thick.
  6. Trim edges, to expose layers and allow biscuit to freely rise during bake. Cut into 4 rectanglar biscuits.
  7. Brush with butter or cream wash.
  8. Bake at 230 C/450 F for 10-15 minutes.

Drop Biscuits

  1. While mixing dry mix, pour in cream.
  2. Mix until it comes together as a rough dough.
  3. Use a spoon or scoop to drop scoops onto a baking sheet.
  4. Brush with butter or cream wash.
  5. Bake at 230 C/450 F for 10-15 minutes.
